Curly Hairstyles to Step Outside with
Is cabin fever getting you down during the pandemic? Don’t let it ruin your style -- In fact, playing around with different looks for your hair can be a big mood booster!
While some of our favorite places and summer activities may have been put on hold, there are still a few things you can do to get outside (safely) and enjoy time with your family and friends.
Whether you’re stepping out to a barbecue, a fun day in the park, or even a picnic, here are some fun curly styles to try for your next adventure!
Embrace the Fro! -- What’s the saying? The bigger the hair, the harder they stare! Turn heads everywhere you go with a gorgeous fro full of fluff and curls! This look is simple and makes it easy to get up and go! If you’re not rockin’ your natural hair, you can achieve a fun look with our Toni curl extensions! You’ll need about 6-8 packs of the 20” length, fluff the hair and be the talk of every function you walk into! The best part about this look, the more you wear it, the more natural it begins to look. Add a pop of color or even a fun headwrap to accessorize with your outfit.

Half up, Half down -- When you want to show off your curls but don’t want to be bothered with all of your hair in your face, this is a go-to style! This is a hairstyle that we can’t get enough of and the popular 90s look
doesn’t seem to be going out of style any time soon! Give this look some personality with curls that will have everyone staring, talking, and asking how to achieve it. This is the perfect hairstyle for a fun picnic outing with your girls or a family get together on a nice, sunny day. Rock this style with fun and loose curls using our Kenzie curl extensions or complete the style with tight and coily curls with our Carrie curl extensions.

Pineapple It Up -- This look isn’t just for preserving your curls at bedtime, you can place your curls in a pineapple style for a fun day out and about. Think of it as a “cute messy” look and you can get creative with your head wraps and scarves you use to hold your hair up. This is a low maintenance hairstyle that you can rock anywhere. If you’re giving your natural curls a break and want the style to last for a few weeks, grab our Saniya curl hair and fluff it out for a fun and full look. You can pull all of your hair back for a sleek look or add bangs to the front for a quick switch up!

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